
[English] #3 1주차 과제 2021. 3. 2. 00:07

We went to same middle school.
She was a friend of mine who went to elementary school with me.
When i knew her, she hated me because the boy she liked liked me.
So, her first impression was so interesting.
When we talk about it, I laugh and she blushes.
It's fun to tease her. She likes me now.

We have similar personalities.
We laugh easily, and like eating delicious food, and love meeting with freidns or new people.
She always makes me comfortable.

And she's a cat lover. Even her face somewhat looks like a cat.
She took in a street cat.
When I visited her house, the cat rubbed his head against my hands or feet.
Even while I was writing this, I thought of her and her cat.
We should meet soon.



blush 얼굴을 붉히다
somewhat 약간
take in  받아들이다
against ~와 접촉하여
even while i was writing this 내가 글을 쓰고있던 동안에도

