Topic: Expressions expressing readiness
1. Are you ready to + verb
= expressing preparedness to do or hear some very exciting, shocking, or surprising news
~할 준비가 되었니? 매우 흥미롭고, 충격적이거나, 놀라운 뉴스를 듣거나 할 준비를 표현하는 것
Are you ready to take a trip?
Are you ready to travel?
Are you ready to work?
Are you ready to type in your report?
Are you ready to order food?
Are you ready to take a walk?
Are you ready to see the Cherry Blossoms?
2. I’m not ready to…
= expressing unpreparedness to do or hear some very exciting, shocking, or surprising news
매우 흥미롭고, 충격적이거나, 놀라운 뉴스를 듣거나 할 준비가 되어있지 않은 것을 표현하는 것
I’m not ready to go out yet.
I'm not ready to take my trip.
I'm not ready to settle down.
I'm not ready to order yet.
3. I was about to…
= informing someone that you were going to do something, but another event prevented you from doing it
누군가에게 어떤 일을 할 것임을 알렸지만, 그 일을 진행하는데 다른 이벤트가 방해하는 것
I was about to call you. but i forgot.
I was about to tell you the story. but I got busy.
4. I was just going to…
= event expresses something that you are still doing and haven't finished doing
I was just going to .. / I was about to .. = are the same
너는 여전히 일을 하고 있고, 그 일을 끝내지 못한 것을 표현한 것
I was just going to say that.
I was just going to send you a text message.
I was just going to make a reservation.
5. I’m planning to…
= expresses future plan to do something
I'm planning to buy a mansion.
I'm planning to get a job.
I'm planning to live in Seoul.
I'm planning to earn lots of money from my job.
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