Algorithm/MySQL (75) 썸네일형 리스트형 [해커랭크(HackerRank)] Weather Observation Station 15 (MySQL) 문제 Query the Western Longitude (LONG_W) for the largest Northern Latitude (LAT_N) in STATION that is less than 137.2345. Round your answer to 4 decimal places. Input Format The STATION table is described as follows: where LAT_N is the northern latitude and LONG_W is the western longitude. 코드 SELECT round(long_w,4) FROM Station WHERE lat_n < 137.2345 ORDER BY lat_n DESC LIMIT 1 풀이 STATION 테이블의 LO.. [해커랭크(HackerRank)] Higher Than 75 Marks (MySQL) 문제 Query the Name of any student in STUDENTS who scored higher than 75 Marks. Order your output by the last three characters of each name. If two or more students both have names ending in the same last three characters (i.e.: Bobby, Robby, etc.), secondary sort them by ascending ID. Input Format The STUDENTS table is described as follows: The Name column only contains uppercase (A-Z) and lowerc.. [해커랭크(HackerRank)] Employee Salaries (MySQL) 문제 Write a query that prints a list of employee names (i.e.: the name attribute) for employees in Employee having a salary greater than per month who have been employees for less than months. Sort your result by ascending employee_id. Input Format The Employee table containing employee data for a company is described as follows: where employee_id is an employee's ID number, name is their name, m.. [해커랭크(HackerRank)] Employee Names (MySQL) 문제 Write a query that prints a list of employee names (i.e.: the name attribute) from the Employee table in alphabetical order. Input Format The Employee table containing employee data for a company is described as follows: where employee_id is an employee's ID number, name is their name, months is the total number of months they've been working for the company, and salary is their monthly salar.. 이전 1 ··· 14 15 16 17 18 19 다음